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The Pyramid of True Relationship

Written by: Heather Gurd

February 22, 2025

The Pyramid of True Relationship is a paradigm I received in a dream after I was afforded the privilege of meditating in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau under a blue moon, with three other Therapeutic Touch™ teachers and nurses.

It is a four sided pyramid that is built through the vibrations of certain qualities which are aligned with and held.

The Foundational values are:  Honesty. Trust. Acceptance and Respect. 

Without these 4 basics, a relationship is neither equal or true.

Honesty, Trust, Acceptance and Respect are associated with the 4 directions starting in the North. The vibrations of these qualities  grow in frequency and refine in value until they bloom at the top of the pyramid where they merge into True Love.  

As above so below.

North: Honesty grows into  Integrity and blooms Truth.  

East: Trust grows into Innocence and blooms Grace.

South: Acceptance grows into Presence and blooms Peace.

West: Respect grows into Charis and blooms Revelation.

Truth, Grace, Peace and Revelation, which are the energetic rewards of practicing the foundational values are the gifts of True Love.

The Magdalene teachings from the Way of Love, the principal teachings of Jesus’ philosophy, (McGowan et al.) endorse a regular practice of merging our humanity with our divinity. (Watterson).  

The Pyramid of True Relationship is a golden tool for centering and grounding before using the values of the Lord’s Prayer as illustrated through the Chartres Labyrinth 6 petal Rose: Faith, Surrender, Service, Abundance, Forgiveness, and Overcoming (McGowan)   

In 2012 I discovered that the values of the Lord’s prayer is a perfect chakra cleanse and road map to merge our humanity with our divinity or to reach transcendental meditative state.


The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

One incomplete copy of  Mary Magdalene’s  gospel was found in 1896 near Akhmin in upper Egypt....


The Way of Love

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